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You need to make sure the task is not running in the Gradle daemon.

public function onTwigExtensions()
        new \Twig_SimpleFunction('forms', [$this, 'getForm'])

public function getForm($e)

public function onTwigExtensions()
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/twig/twig-extensions.php');
    $this->grav['twig']->twig->addExtension(new GitTwigExtensions($this->grav));

Grav routes always begin with /.

To referer to a route in a twig, always use base_url ~ p.route.

For edit page, it would be base_url ~ '/admin/pages' ~ p.route.

@Component(service = [Command::class], property = ["osgi.command.scope=myscope", "osgi.command.function=doIt"])
class Command {
    fun doIt() {