Grav Editor Plugin

This product is in active development and has been released under the MIT license.

Create and edit your Grav Twig, CSS, Javascript, and PHP files right from your browser.

  • Edit any Twig, CSS, Javascript, Markdown, YAML, or PHP file.
  • Secure. File access is restricted to plugins, themes and Grav system folders.
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Common file operations.

  • Extensible file actions architecture.
  • Extensible file language architecture.

Select a shortcut link from the admin sidebar Edit menu to view a filterable list of files for the selected file type.

The files must be located in the user/themes, user/plugins or system folders; They must have read/write access for your webserver's account.

Click on a file to open an editor.

  • Move
  • Delete
  • Rename
  • Save
  • Copy
  • Create
  • Fullscreen

Any operation that modifies the file path will cause a page refresh to the new path. Deleting a file will return to the file list.

The editor will search system, user/plugins, and user/themes for files having an extension of the specified language type.

Enabling a language will add items to the Navigation/Edit dropdown, publish the editing URL, and allow edits to be posted for the indicated file type.

todo: Regenerate SASS, etc.
todo: Invalidate caches.
todo: Better security.
todo: Change file permissions
todo: File permissions for new items
todo: Remove pages parent directory