Calendar Special Features
- Schedule multiple lessons or groups at once
- View all <assignees> at once, or <assignee> by day or week
- Advanced view scaling
- Filter calendar by location or <assignee>
- Group support
- Group stack viewing
- Group member adding and removing
Day View
Calendar Icon Features
Edit [insert image of icon]: When the edit icon is selected, the user may click and drag calendar slots, create new slots that are busy or available, lengthen or shorten existing slots, etc. The edit icon should only be selected when making changes and should be unselected when not being used to prevent accidental changes to the calendar.
Tooltip [insert image of icon]: When the tooltip icon is selected, the user may hover the curser/mouse over spots on the schedule and view pop up details of that slot, such as the specific lesson information or information about which students are scheduled within a group.
All Teacher [insert image of icon]: When the all teacher icon is selected, the view displays all teacher/employees scheduled on a particular day.
Teacher drop-down [insert image of icon]: Users may select an individual teacher/employee from the drop down list. Once selevted the view will display only that person over a selected range of days.
Location drop-down [insert image of icon]: Users may select from multiple business locations to display as separate calendars or may select “all” to view a central calendar for the entire business.
Date picker [insert image of icon]: Users may select from a small pop up calendar under the icon to choose a specific date to view. This also gives the start date for a range, For example, the date selected would be 7/22/2014 and the range could be 7 days showing you up to a week out.
Relative date picker [insert image of icon]: Users may select from a drop down to change the calendar view. Choices include: today, tomorrow, next week, previous week, next day, previous day, current session start, current seesion end, next session start and next session end.
Add teacher/employee [insert image of icon]: Users may select from a drop down list to add a teacher/employee to the schedule on the selected day. This is how the calendar is created initially and how new teachers/employees can be added.
Range [insert image of icon]: The range icon controls how much of a day is visible on the calendar, allowing users to zoom in on a specific time of day or view the entire day at a glance.
Stack/unstack [insert image of icon]: Users may toggle this feature on/off to view lessons/appointments that are scheduled in the same slot. This is especially true for group appointments. And this is helpful to view if students/customers are sharing an appointment or are inadvertantly double booked.
Scale [insert image of icon]: Scale is similar to range in that it allows the user to zoom in on the calendar. However, this changes the scale of the calendar slots, especially useful when editing smaller slots that need to be more easily viewed.
Lookahead [insert image of icon]: This icon works in tandem with the teacher drop-down to show the calendar for the employee selected from 1 day to as many days out as preferred. The calendar view automatically shifts to fit the entire date range and allows for ease in scheduling/moving appointments in the future.Checking the All Days box allows the user to view days for a selected teacher that are not currently part of the schedule and create available spots without using the add teacher option.
Comments: This icon allows the user to view comments associated with the different calendar spots. This feature can be on or off.
Day View Columns (Needs New Name)
This view can be stacked behind another view, displayed in an adjacent panel, or even pulled out into a separate window.
The columns allow the user to display information within the appointment slots on the calendar. For example, for a music school this information may include the student name, the subject being studied, the enrollment tags, etc. For a business using integrated POS, information available for display may also include balances and/or payment plan enrollment. [insert screen shots with different options selected].
Details View
This view can be stacked behind another view, displayed in an adjacent panel (ideal), or even pulled out into a separate window.
The details view displays pertinent appointment information for the slot selected on the calendar or from a list. Within this view, the user can also modify or schedule appointments and add comments. Multiple appointments can be selected and changed in this way. A drop down in the top right allows changes to be saved once they have been made. This is the view used to easily create available slots, schedule an employee as being “out of the office”. [Insert screenshots of different status options selected]. [Insert video tutorial of how to change selected lesson(s)].
Currently the group drop down in this view is used to schedule a group placeholder on the schedule before assigning members to the group. When doing this no student should be selected. Only the tacher, location, and time should be selected along with the chosen group. Do not use the group drop down when scheduling a private lesson. It will not schedule the student properly and he may not appear on the calendar at all. [Insert video tutorial of creating a group placeholder]. (Link to section on scheduling groups.)
List View
This optional view is helpful, but does not need to be displayed unless it is actively being used. Like the other views it can be stacked behind another view, displayed in an adjacent panel (ideal), or even pulled out into a separate window.
The list view allows the user to select an appointment on the calendar and view every appointment scheduled either for that student or every appointment available within that slot. This is helpful for viewing at a glance when a student’s lessons are scheduled. The view also allows the user to move between all future dates, current session dates, next session dates, last session dates, even older dates, and all dates. This is most helpful when scheduling into future sessions when a student requests the same time as a previous session and the user needs to quickly look up that info. [Insert screenshot of different list displays].
The list view lessons can also be selected and then edited within the details view. If configured with POS, they can be returned, etc. [Insert video tutorials].
The list view is also available and used with other avaialble modules.
Scheduling An Appointment
How to Schedule an Appointment from the Calendar Day View
Using existing available slots:
1. Select the slot you wish to schedule.
2. In the detail view, enter the subject, teacher should default to the one selected, enter the student, change the status to busy, add an optional comment, review and change the duration start/end times if necessary. Choose save from the right corner drop down.
3. Once the slot is scheduled, you can use the lesson actions drop-down to continue to a chosen end date if you are certain the slot is available throughout that time. If you are not sure, you should double check to prevent double booking.
[Insert video tutorial].
When an available slot does not already exist (i.e. it is grey):
1. Select the edit icon.
2. Ctrl-click within the grey area you wish to make into an appointment. A blue box with a dotted border should appear within the slot.
3. Drag that box to encompass the amount of time you wish the appointment to be.
4. Use the details view, as previously outlined, to finish scheduling the appointment.
5. Remember to unselect the edit icon when finished.
[Insert video tutorial].
Additional Scheduling Options:
Appointments can be added to the schedule by moving or modifying an existing appointment (link to section on modifications).
Appointments can also be added using the group assignments – new feature (link to section on group scheduling).
Appointments can be added using the scheduling wizard (link to section on wizard).
Modifying An Appointment
Appointments can be selected on the calendar view or in the lesson list view.
Modifying an Appointment with the Detail View:
1. Select the appointment.
2. Use the detail view to change the time/day/etc. for that appointment.
3. Save changes by selecting save from the drop down in the right corner of the detail view.
[Insert video tutorial].
Modifying an Appointment when the detail view is not present:
1. Select the appointment.
2. Select modify from the lesson actions drop down. The Detail View will open up.
3. Follow steps outlined previously.
[Insert video tutorial].
Modifying an Appointment by Moving It:
1. Select the appointment.
2. Select move lessons from the lesson actions drop down. A dialog box will open.
3. Change the day/time to your new preference. The appointment will be moved. Make sure you know the new day/time is available so you do not double book.
[Insert video tutorial].
Modifying an Appointment by Click, Drag & Drop:
1. In the calendar view, select the edit icon.
2. Select the appointment to be moved or modified. A red box will appear around the appointment.
3. The appointment can be made longer or shorter by moving the cursor to the top or bottom (a up/down arrow will appear) and you may then click and drag to the amount of time you want to make the appointment. When you click off a dialog appears to finalize your actions.
4. The appointment can be moved to another slot on the calendar that is available or that is not available. Click and drag the appointment to the slot you want to move it to. When you click off a dialog appears to finalize your actions.
5. When you are done, unselect the edit icon.
[Insert video tutorial of above steps].
*Click, Drag & Drop allows the user todelete and modify multiple appointments at a time. Using CTRL-click select multiple appointments that you wish to change. You can use the student actions drop down to delete all selected appointments (you can also use the delete key on the keyboard). You can use the student actions drop down or the lesson detail view to make multiple appointments into available slots without deleting them off the schedule. [Insert video tuturial or screen shots].
Drop Down Menu Features (Relevant to Calendar)
Lesson Actions
Show Slot: Allows the user to open the lesson list view and view all scheduled or available times within a selected slot.
Modify: Allows the user to open up the detail lesson view and make changes to a selected appointment.
Create Free: Only works when edit icon is selected. But it is better to use the detail view for this action.
Set Free: Removes a scheduled appointment, while leaving an available slot.
Delete: Deletes available and/or scheduled slots completely from the schedule.
Opt Out: This option ties in with POS. This allows an appointment to be returned and credited with a note being left in its place indicating that the slot is normally occupied, but was opted out of for the particular day in question.
Repeat Until: Used primarily when initially setting up a calendar with available slots, but can also be used to continue a busy slot. The user creates the slot on one day. The slot can then be continued at the same day/time each week up until a selected end date. Useful for businesses who book in seasons or sessions.
Return Lessons: This option ties in with POS. Allows the appointment or multiple appointments to be returned. It makes the slot available and issues a credit. It does not make any notes on the vacated slot(s).
Add Student To Group: Not sure if this still works. The Group Assignment – New feature and the Group Assignments drop down both do what this should do. Not really needed under lesson actions, which relates more to the appointment/calendar.
Move Lessons: Allows the user to move a selected appointment to another day or time.
Student Actions
Show Lessons: Similar to show slot. Allows the user to open the lesson list view and view all scheduled times the student has past, present and future.
Email: Allows the user to select and edit an html file on the computer. Rarely used from the calendar page other than to send a schedule. Most email functions occur with the email module.
Email Schedule: Email schedule does the same thing as Email.
Print Schedule: Prints the future lessons for a student.
Schedule Lessons: Opens us the scheduling wizard.
Constraints: Opens up the constraints view.
Constraints Comments: Opens up the constrains comments view without the rest of the constraints.
Linked Students: Opens up the linked students view.
Delete Student: Deletes the student, but should only be used by management.
Teacher Actions
Print Assignments (Today): Prints the teacher schedules for the current day.
Print Assignments (Tomorrow): Prints the teacher schedules for tomorrow.
Print Assignments (Selected Day): Prints the teacher schedules for whatever day the calendar is displaying.
Email Schedules (Selected Day): Emails the teacher schedules for whatever day the calendar is displaying.
Email Schedules + Event Info (Selected Day): We don’t really need this anymore.
Group Actions
Create Group: Opens up a dialog box where the user can enter the name of a new group.
Show Group Assignments: Opens up the old Goup Assignments View. The Group Assignments View allows the user to select the name of a group and add students to that group once the group has already been scheduled using the Lesson Details View. The right corner drop down of this view also allows the user to create, rename or delete a group.
Group Assignments – New: Is not accessible from the drop-down Group Actions menu, however this view is available and should be used when scheduling students to groups.